If your child craves pressure, try surf shirt and leggings. Our toddler is almost constantly searching for input from his body. We found that putting a 'surf' shirt and leggings on him helps to calm him down a bit while providing that extra input he needs. I bought the leggings a size smaller so they would fit more snugly. They are tad short but that usually does not bother him and, when it does, we just put socks on him to cover his exposed skin.
When our toddler gets into the dishwasher, we use it as a learning experience by having him help to empty the dishes (plastic dishes only!). We also have him help load or unload the dryer, clothes basket, etc. This seems to help him to feel important on days when he can tolerate the interaction.
If you have any tips, we would definitely like to share them! Please contact us with anything you would like to share. If you have a hard time keeping your child in the bathtub you might try adding some bubble bath to the water. Bath-time has been more like a wrestling match with my three-year-old. The bubbles distract him long enough for me to bathe him. If you’re concerned about ingestion, there are brands of natural bubble bath available online and through local drug stores.
I have found a solution that works (most of the time) when it comes to keeping a pull-up or diaper on my Autistic three-year-old. If I put on a pair of underwear over his pull-up, he is less likely to pull it off repeatedly. I don't know if it works because it makes the pull-up/diaper less accessible or because of the added pressure on his body-I just know it works on most days.
If you have a helpful hint to share, please let us know! |